Card Factory is an inexpensive greeting card shop that also sells small gifts, wrapping paper, gift boxes, ribbon & tags and other occasion items such as banners and candles. Staff are friendly and helpful and always do really nice window displays during special occasions such as Valentines Day & Mothers day. Prices range from 29p for a single card and often do offers such as 5 cards for a £1. This store can get very very busy and although there is displayed access because of the wide range of greeting cards on offer it can become hard to manover round especially for parents with prams. As it is very popular there always seems to be a que but this can go down fairly quickly. They also have brand greeting cards such as ‘Me to You’ and ‘Purple Ronnie’ and do a really nice range of handmade cards. This store is located on Whitefrairgate opposite Cooplands Bakery and Next door to Blue Banana and close to HMV& New Look