If you want to get rippped off go here and buy a poor quality furniture, dated electronics. And paying a lot of $$$ in interest
David G.
Classificação do local: 1 Santa Clarita, Estados Unidos
La Peor tienda para querer empezar un credito y en general la tienda es muy pequeña si la comparas con la CURACAO y el servicio aqui ni se diga. Los vendedores parecen q traen prisa y te tratan de vender lo mas caro. No lo q realmente necesitas. Aplique para credito con mi seguro nuevo y pues claro no tenia ningun record crediticio asi q me pedia down payment. Le dije q podia dar ningun pago por adelantado. Asi q me retire de la tienda. como a la media hora de haber dejado la tienda me llaman para peguntarm porque no habia comprado nada y les explique el porque. Pues me pidieron q me regresara a la tienda, que si hacia una compra menor de $ 500 no tenia q dar down payment. Pues en ese momento claro q no regrese pq yo ya estaba llegano a casa. Pero regreso la semana siguiente para hacer una compra pequeña porque en realidad no necesitaba nada solo empezar mi credito. Pues la compra era tan pequeña de unos $ 70 que me dijeron q lo tenia q pagar en 3 meses y ellos reportan tu credito a los 6 meses. Cuando yo ya habia preguntado si era necesario hacer una compra minima y ellos dijeron que no. Una vez mas sali de la tienda y a la media hora me vuelven a llamar para hacerme la misma pregunta. Les explique. Me pidieron regresara en ese momento. Cosa q no haria ya q estaba nuevamente por llegar a mi casa. La persona q me llamo al escuchar mi negativa de regresar en ese momento se escucho molesta y solo dio las gracias y colgo. Jamas regresare a esa tienda… Dense una vuelta por la CURACAO tres veces mas grande, limpia y un servicio increíble.
Jay C.
Classificação do local: 4 Sun Valley, CA
Deardens first of all great store better than curacao, this store is known to help you on boosting your credit but got to qualify first, good selection but could off added more stuff to make it more feel like a store, and customer service isnt that bad because half of those people are really good bt the other half just lazy
C A.
Classificação do local: 1 Sun Valley, CA
Never getting shiet from here i rather just take my mo ey n my ass 2 another store who doesnt rob you of ur money.
Cynthia G.
Classificação do local: 1 Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA
My friend who is 82 years old bought a pleather couch at this location and on top of the warranty that was included she bought extended warranty for $ 200 more and now the arm rest and the back of it broke and the people working at the Van Nuys location refuse to help her. She has spoken to several representatives and managers and even waited for the main manager to come back from vacation and even then she was refused help. It is really upsetting to see pencil pushing capitalists taking advantage of not only our Latino community but our elderly community and practically robbing them right before their eyes. If your company is selling extended warranty then you should keep it and not blow off your clients just to save money. The couch she bought was over $ 1,000 and for that price one expects the best and if this is not the case one expects extended warranties to cover it. It is really a shame to see than you are ripping our community off and taking their hard earned money. I would definitely never buy anything at Deardens nor would I recommend anyone buying anything there, I’d rather take my hard earned money elsewhere.
Kim H.
Classificação do local: 3 Los Angeles, CA
Have your phone with internet ready. You will be surprised somethings are a good deal and some are not. Not the highest quality or modern furniture for a place that looks like it would have awesome deals. It seems this place is catered more towards those that don’t have the cash and hence why people will pay more so they can finance.
Kai L.
Classificação do local: 4 Beverly Hills, CA
«Since 1910» – The plain marquee outside Dearden’s says it all. Almost. If you’ve ever hit Dearden’s downtown, their Valley location is much the same: a timewarp of staid, often old-fashioned furniture you’d expect to find at your grandmother’s house or in that famous wing of the Getty Museum entitled«Typical 1970s living room». Okay well maybe not… The good news about the furniture sold at this store is that it’s high quality, solid stuff and meant to last — even if it’s kind of boring — which is more than can be said about a lot of the modernistic offerings at IKEA which, although superficially attractive, are made out of paper mâché and edible underwear and pillow talk. The downside is that the prices are kind of high(think: $ 400 for a coffee table sort of high). Dearden’s also offers electronics — they’re one of the few places you can still get a tape-deck boombox(!), but again, their aisles are kind of dark, unexciting, and a bit depressing. It’s like looking at faded, Kodachrome images of an early 1980s department store from a National Geographic photo-spread of some Mid-Western town, in an article about a recession and shoppers staying home. «Stores, Job Market Empty» would be the title, or something, and in the back of the magazine you’d see an ad for Pan Am Airlines and a Nordictrack… Prices on electronics(DVD players, big screen plasma TVs, etc.) are really competitive, especially if you catch things on weekend sales — and Dearden’s puts out fliers on a bi-weekly basis(check your Wednesday junkmail, even if you’re not from the Valley). Workers are friendly but the whole store is kind of dead — if you’re sleepy you can sort of just drift in and take a nap in the bed section and there’s a good chance no one will ever notice. – Don’t try to move in, though. (not that I’ve tried. And failed. And got banned, or whatever…)