In the pursuit of creating a new business, my accountant suggested it was time I find legal help to set up my LLC. I’ve always done these things on my own thinking I didn’t need the extra cost of legal counsel, and my general disdain for lawyers. I’ve always had a perception of attorneys being bloodsucking, money-grubbing bastards who just look out for their own pocketbooks in the guise of providing a necessary«service.» Boy was I wrong. I went in skeptical, full of preconceived notions of what the interaction would be like. I’m pretty sure Mr. Dawood felt it in my tone of voice and my choice of words. I hit him hard with a «don’t screw with me, buddy» vibe. What I got in return was a clear and concise attack plan on making sure our LLC was built on a solid foundation with our best interests in mind. Mr. Dawood guided me through the entire process and gave me options. I told him I was broke, and that we needed to pinch every last penny to make this business happen. He understood where I was coming from, and showed me the most cost effective way to get things done. My endless questions and queries were answered with a professionalism unmatched in my previous encounters with his kind. I have a confidence in my business I’ve never had before. I understand now that attorneys are absolutely necessary, and finding a good one is the key to business nirvana. I don’t know how Mr. Dawood feels about me, but he has a client for life. +1 for the attorneys. Maybe they’re not as bad as I thought they were. Here’s to you, Mr. Dawood, for changing my mind about the industry. Bravo! I went from a little league business guy to major league rookie, ready to take on the world with his backing. I highly recommend seeking counsel with Mr. Dawood for any of your business and trust needs.