NOWTHISIS A REALMORI! The store in Avalon is much smaller and did not carry a selection of leather goods. This store had great bags, portfolios, wallets and other such accessories. They also carried travel luggage as well as the Vera Bradley collection. I was also impressed with the cuff links for men and the other travel accessories. This store can meet all of your travel accessory needs, or help you to find the perfect leather bag/portfolio for work, play or school. In addition, that have a shelf of Father’s Day gifts and they are having a sale on many of their leather bags. The staff here is very friendly and helpful. SCORE!
Jason L.
Classificação do local: 5 Corona, CA
I went in looking to replace some zipper pulls on my rolling office that had broken. They didn’t have any to sell but the clerk went in to a drawer and found a few extras she could GIVE me. I was pleasantly surprised and they worked just fine. Fantastic service and friendly clerks.