*shudder* I have no idea what the hell happened to this place, but it is now the very definition of a PoS ghetto clothing-from-cardboard-boxes store. Over the last couple of years they’ve had at least 4 «URGENTGOINGOUTOFBUSINESSIN2WEEKSEVERYTHINGMUSTGOOMGBUYSTUFFNAO» sales, which of course resulted in continued extended«sales days», and then finally the store… not closing. Okay, sure, bank on impulse buyers. I’d be remotely interested if your merchandise and employees were worth anything. Yes, employees. Well, the ones you can find, anyway. My main employee-related beef is with the check-your-bags guys at the front of the store. Seriously. One of the most frustrating things about this place is their«check your bags when entering» policy. Yes, plenty of stores have them, and yes, it’s an understandably necessary policy sometimes. But PLEASE, will you hire some goddamned employees who won’t mix up people’s bags as they leave? I can’t count how many times I’ve had to run after some unsuspecting and oblivious bozo leaving the front cubby area with the wrong bags — specifically mine. I mean come on, don’t you recognize the crap inside as not being yours? And it would be nice if said bag-check employees spoke a lick of English, so they could understand me when I try and explain what they did wrong in the first place. Is it so hard to match up someone’s bag-check ticket with the number on the corresponding bag? I wasn’t aware numbers weren’t in your supposedly bilingual vocabulary. /rant