I really love this place. It’s approximately the size of Carrie’s closet in the Sex and the City movie. I don’t know if that makes Chatsworth large or small by antique shop standards(I’m not much of an antiquer), but I can say it would be an extremely large closet by closet standards. Given its closety proportions, this isn’t a furniture-rich antiquing experience. No room for that here. What they do have in large amounts is little things: interesting tea services, bakelite jewelry, and one of the best-curated collections of art I’ve seen outside of a major city. And cheap! I feel like whoever curates this collection buys pieces on their merits, not necessarily on some fancy provenance, so you can get some great art at an obscenely low price… if you’re looking for art for art’s sake. I’ve gotten lost in this store for hours, rifling through paintings, picking up things and putting them down, chatting up the manager. They’re not averse to cutting you a little deal here and there. They’re smart about their merchandise Sure, ok, the venue itself is threadbare, and busting to the seams with antique tchotchkes. Ignore that for a moment, and think of the prices you’d pay for the same treasures in a big city, with a better-designed environment. This store rocks – that’s all there is to it. I’d give it 5 stars, but I’m not enough of an antique expert to know how it compares on the local market for people who really geek out on this stuff. I think 4 stars is reasonable, fair, and defensible by any standard.